Exciting News! READ ALL!

Hi Family!

I hope you are all doing well this week. First of all, I want to thank you all so much for being loyal members of my journey. You are all highly appreciated and I strive to provide the highest level of value I possibly can to your lives.

I do have some big and exciting news to tell you! There are several things, so keep reading and don't stop after the first paragraph. 

I have talked a little about my Intentional Living Club that was launched in August. Last week we had an amazing time in our mastermind group. We talked about some topics I know would benefit you! 

A few of the topics that came out of this mastermind discussion consisted of the following: 
1. How to move forward in a long term relationship: should I stay or leave?
2. How to grow and take a business to the next level!
3. How to fill an empty "cup" when being so busy with kids, husband, career, volunteer positions, etc. 
4. How to deal with a challenging parenting situation.

If you have a situation in your life that you need support, encouragement, and accountability to get unstuck, you need to jump in the club! This is an inexpensive alternative to 1 on 1 coaching. If you can't invest in private coaching, but still need help to reach the next level or you are going through a life transition and need wisdom and guidance, this is the opportunity to do so. Email me at nikki@nikkilwright.com for questions or to sign up! 

I also wanted to share with you that I have reached capacity in the number of private clients I can take on at this time (I might be able to take one or two next month). 

That means I am creating some online courses that you can have at your fingertips and replay them as many times as you need while sitting in your pajamas in bed! I can't wait to launch these and you will be the first to know about them! 


Oh BABY is right! We are expecting another baby boy in March 2017!!! We are very excited and can't wait to see #3! My two boys, Caleb and Canaan, are excited even though they both wanted a little sister.... I am so honored to share this exciting blessing with you all! 

That is all the gripping news I have for today. I will be talking to you soon!

Please feel free to share this and sign up to receive my newsletters and updates here

With Blessing & Love,
Nikki Wright, Life Coach

No More Fear & Worry!

What have we been up to you ask?

In our Intentional Living Club we have been crushing stinky old FEAR AND WORRY! Who wants to worry? No one, but almost everyone has fears, insecurities, and worries they wrestle with. 

I just wanted to keep everyone in the loop on what we have been up to in the first couple classes, in case you are interested in joining in on the fun!

First class we learned how to overcome fear and insecurities. Did you know 74% of pop fear of public speaking, 68% fear death, 75% of women put off exercise fear of what other women think, 60% of things we fear will never take place, and 90% of what we fear are considered to be insignificant things? 

3 Biggest Fears Women Have Are: 
1. Not being liked
2. Sacrificing family time for work
3. Fear of a relationship ending

We can't move forward in our goals if we are letting some type of fear or insecurity stop us. So we must knock fear out of our life for good!

Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 

We all face “what ifs,” both big and small: What if my marriage falls apart? What if people reject me? What if I fail? What if my child gets sick? What if I yell too much and scar my kids? 

It seems there’s so much to be afraid of in life. And sadly, fear can hold many of us back from loving others fully, from pursuing our dreams, and from living out God’s calling on our lives. Yet God’s plan for us is to live with His peace and confidence. But how do we find that? The answer is... we look to God. When God moves He moves all our Fears. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

Our second class we talked about how to sleep and live worry free.

Luke 18:16 says, “But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’” 

Remember what it is was like to be a child? I loved riding my bike up and down the street with my friends, eating candy and jumping on the trampoline with my sister and friends, having my back scratched by my dad, watching movies with my mom while eating popcorn and drinking virgin strawberry daiquiris. Those were the good ole days. No worries, just trust that my parents would provide and protect me.

What if we could still have that same trust as an adult? 

We can feel that same sense of love, encouragement, and trust that we felt as a child, by simply looking at God as our Father who will never leave us, is never changing, always with us caring for us. Trust Him with our whole heart. Trust that He will take care of the situation. Sometimes it looks bad, but you never know what He is planning for our next season in life and we just have to trust that He’s got it. Trust is the mark of a child. 

God is a Father who is entirely trustworthy because he is truly in control.As God’s children, we have a heavenly Father who is worthy of trust.

This coming Saturday, September 17 we will talk about "How To Build Great Faith". This will be so eye opening! I can't wait! 

This is just a snapshot of the info we went over in the club. I still have a few spots open if you are interested in gaining support, encouragement, and wisdom to overcome any obstacle. 

If Saturday mornings at 9am aren't good for you and you would still like this life changing accountability and information, email me and we can set up a free consultation to look into private coaching. 

Praying you are all blessed and highly favored! 

Blessings & Love,
Nikki Wright
Life Coach

What Really Matters?

What are you worrying about today? Is it your career, clothes, cars, house, kids, relationships, whether to buy organic or save money on non-organic food, shampoo, sunscreen, anti aging creams, etc.?

What do you really think about on a daily basis?

What are you being intentional about?

I don’t want to put one more blog post in front of you that is going to be yet another thing to worry about. I just want to give you some encouraging information to take into consideration in order to make your life more meaningful and fulfilled. 

When you wake up in the morning, do you take steps to put the day and your priorities into perspective right off the bat? To be honest, sometimes I do and other mornings I don’t. I can definitely tell the difference between the two. When I don’t, I feel stressed, lost, unsettled, and need someone to shake me and put things back into perspective so I can live with peace and joy throughout the day. We must make everyday count.

We tend to say next week I will start doing better, which turns into next month, next year, and then we wake up and a year has passed without living intentionally. If we continue to keep going at that rate, we waste our gifts, opportunities to change the world around us, and make our Heavenly Father proud of us.

I know I said I wasn’t going to put one more thing in front of you to worry about, but this is to help ease all the worries and overwhelm you have right now.

Let’s look at some easy ways to wake up in the morning with a Heavenly perspective, instead of worldly worry. 

1. Thank God for being next to you today. There’s not a moment He isn’t walking next to you throughout your day. If we realize that and go about our days being with the King of Kings, our Heavenly Father, the Alpha and Omega, what could possibly get us down? Think about it, picture getting devastating news that you got fired from your job or your best friend betrayed you. This news might sting at first, but if we woke up that morning thanking God for being next to us no matter what the day brings, we will have a perspective that will allow that bad news to roll off our shoulder, because we know our Creator has a plan for us and will never leave us or forsake us. That is true everlasting peace. 

2. Lay it all down. Give God your all, lay everything out there for Him to see and also take care of for you. Give Him your best and set that expectation first thing in the morning. He will meet us where we fall short. He just wants us to obey and work like we are working for Him, not man, not ourselves, our children, or anything else. Give it all to Him, every part of your world.

3. Visualize your day being productive and peaceful. God makes all things work for the good of those who love Him. Let’s really think about the word ALL.

The definition of All means

: the whole, entire, total amount, quantity, or extent of 

: every member or part of

: the whole number or sum of

No matter what is going on, if you can come back to the visual of the most peaceful place you have ever been or even seen on TV that will give you some assurance and peace. ALL that concerns you will not trump what God is doing for you. 

4. Re-Write your history. Start today by forgiving yourself. Then, write down your priorities and tell someone so you can be held accountable to sticking to those priorities and values. Take it day by day; it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. A few baby steps each day can turn into leaps and bounds and accumulate to an entire lifetime. Do one thing today, right now, to take that baby step. 

5. Slow down. Allow relationships to slow you down and see more clearly. Sit down with a friend to have a meaningful time together. God blessed us with rich, valuable people in our lives for support and relationship. Use that time to exhale and refresh, even if it’s a brief 15-minute conversation.

6. Rejoice in the Lord. Bring it back to the basics and rejoice in all the Lord has done for you. Revert back to when you were a child and you trusted everything your parents said. Do that with your Heavenly Father as an adult. The Bible says to have child-like faith. Do not question God’s promises for you, just believe, obey, and receive the fruit and favor He has for your life. 

Pray this prayer with me. Lord, take me back, back to the beginning when I was young running through the fields with You. Allow me to trust in You and Your perfect plan for my life. Give me a new and positive perspective today. I love you Lord and I give my ALL to you. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Please share this post with your friends and family who need a fresh Heavenly perspective today. Don’t allow distractions stop you from helping yourself and others who need to know this!

For more in depth study on changing your priorities and perspective with lasting accountability, I invite you to join my 5-week “Create a Life Plan” group coaching class starting June 9 at 5:45pm. I promise you will not regret investing in yourself and taking this class. To sign up, email me at hello@nikkilwright.com and I will reserve your spot today!

With Love & Blessings,

Nikki Wright

Life Coach











A Time of Reflection

      Do you really know all the blessings God has given you? The things of God have small beginnings; often so small they go unnoticed. We must reflect back on our lives so we don’t miss what God has done for us. I have always been told by my spiritual leaders to keep a journal of all the amazing things that have happened in my life, so I can look back and not only see how glorious God is, but to thank Him and keep trusting He can and will continue to do miraculous works in my life.

      As for me, reflecting on one of the most traumatic moments in my life was the most important thing I could have done. When I was 21 years old I had a baby girl born with Trisomy 18. Doctors told me she was not going to live long. I supernaturally had the strength to watch my baby girl suffer for three days and nine hours while trying to recover from a C-section. I asked myself recently, how in the world did I get through that stage in my life? It was so heartbreaking, but yet somewhat doable. I know now, after many years of reflection, God was my strength and my rock. I didn’t get through it; God had already given me His Son, Jesus, to take the pain for me. If you can imagine watching and waiting until the day and even the hour your baby would die in your arms, it is hard to fathom someone making it through that, especially a 21 year old. But, there are no limits to God’s supernatural power.

      Take Paul for example. In Romans 7, Paul talks about his experience regarding the law. He reflected on how the law is important, but he can’t live by it. Romans 7:6, “but now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.” Romans 7:24-25, “Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin.” Paul was killing God’s followers, but God turned his life around by His grace. Paul comprehended God’s grace after reflecting for years on what God had done for him. If he hadn’t taken that time of reflection he would have just said, yea God saved me and now I am living for Him. Instead, he examined himself and shed light on his situation.  Now he can influence millions of people with his story.


Identify:  Is God is at work in this situation?

Interpret:  What is God trying to do?

Engage:  How do I need to respond to God?

Imprint:  What universal Kingdom principle can I learn from this?

Reflection is thinking about something on a deeper level so you can convey it to others. Find scriptures that support your situation, research, and shed light on it. 

 Email me or post on my Facebook page your findings. 

 Please share this post with your friends and family!

 With Love and Blessings, 

 Nikki Wright

Life Coach


P.S.- I would love for you to sign up for my special love notes and valuable information here!

4 Simple Steps to Uncovering Your Purpose

Nine years ago I was flying to Arizona for a weeklong training session for Edward Jones when I was a Financial Advisor for them. I sat next to a lady who was writing in her notebook. We got to talking, like I often do on flights, and she said she was a professional writer. I remember saying, “I’ve always wished I could be a writer”. That was nearly a decade ago, and today God has given me the opportunity to write. Who knew God would call me to the very thing I said I wished I could be.

This is a great example of speaking out your desires and future. Our words have so much power and if we use them in a wise way, we can change the world.

I was recently in Guatemala on a mission trip with our youth group. One of the leaders from the non-profit organization, Casa Alleluia, where we lodged, gave his testimony. He said before he was called to full time missions in another country, he continually told God he was willing to go anywhere and do anything for Him. He was in college and dreamed of being a coach. He played college ball and was about to graduate. He was asked by his dad to go with him to Guatemala to help on the next mission trip. He didn’t want to take time out of his schedule to go, but his dad booked the flights and they went. He said God spoke to him and told him this was his calling. After going back home and praying about it, he decided to obey God and moved there full-time and left his dream of being a coach behind. It’s been a life changing ten years now that he’s been there and all he did was tell God he was willing to do anything for Him.

I did the same thing four years ago. I knew God had a greater purpose for me, so I began to tell Him, I am willing. It’s been a journey, but I look back and see the value and reason in each season I went through to get where I am today.

God has a greater purpose for everyone who is available and willing.

If you are yearning to find your God-given purpose in life, here are four steps that will help you get on your way:

1.    Be in sync with God.

One way we can stay in sync with our Father, is through continuous communication. If there is not communication, you stop gaining wisdom. This creates indifference and you will begin to drift away from His instructions.  

2.    Be willing to obey each small step. 

Start sharing your faith and trust in Christ by doing and modeling what He says to you. I was talking with a friend at church about my son, Caleb. She had been praying for him from a prayer request my husband requested a few months ago. As we were talking about him she saw the hurt in my eyes and she just said, let’s pray right now. She prayed over him, our family, and me. It was exactly what I needed at that moment.

It was Easter and the church was packed, she is on staff and could have easily let that distract her from making time to pray. But, since she decided to obey God’s instruction to pray over us, I believe that set in motion the restoration in Caleb. That simple act of obedience will bring another step to follow and another, until we see the big picture come to pass from that first small step.

3.    Don’t allow fear to seep in. 

Allow God’s perfect love to cast out all fear. If I love with God’s love, He will take care of the rest. When you start to have fear about your calling the enemy will try to come in and steal your passion by putting doubt in your mind. That is why you must protect your mind with the helmet of salvation. We must keep His word front and center. We must be thinking about it, be able to quote it.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7

4.    Take action with confidence. 

James 2:20 says, “…faith without works is dead”. We must follow up with action if we truly want to please God and live out our destiny. What action steps are you willing to take right now to go one step further in faith to being obedient to God’s calling?

Please share and email me the steps you are planning on taking for accountability.  

With Love & Blessings,

Nikki Wright, Life Coach


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