2018 Goal: Change Your Angle

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The other day while my 9-month-old baby was napping, I was startled when I looked at the video monitor and noticed that his foot appeared to be stuck between the rails of his crib. I quickly grabbed the monitor to get a better view. On this particular monitor are arrows that can be used to remotely adjust the camera in his room. After zooming out and changing the angle some, I clearly saw that his foot wasn’t stuck at all and was able to see that a shadow had distorted what I saw on the monitor. The shadow was only noticeable because of the point of view that I had.

How many times has this happened in our every day lives? We look at things from the wrong point of view, with the wrong perspective, and because of that, an overcasting shadow darkens the truth. What would happen if we began to change the angle at which we view things? What would happen if we began to see things from a different point of view, with a different perspective? Could it be that we would see things for what they truly are?

Sometimes, like many other moms and wives, I do this with my kids and husband. You know the story. You come home exhausted from the day, and there it is, that overcasting shadow that looms over as you walk into the house. Kids are coming at you from all different angles, all needing different things from you, all at once. And instead of seeing it as the blessing that it truly is, the shadow disrupts your perspective and you don't see it this way. You see it as a burden. You see it as an interruption. You see it as just another obstacle that has been thrown into your day that you have to overcome. 

For example, the other day my two older boys were supposed to be eating their breakfast at the table. Instead, they kept getting up, running around, and laughing. In between shenanigans, they would eat a bite here and a bite there, but were not doing as I had asked them to. At first, it bothered me and I got super frustrated with them. I continued to tell them to sit down, eat, and be quiet. Of course, they tried for a second or two, and then went right back to horsing around. In my frustration, I decided to stop and pause, and take a deep breathe. I took a break from being annoyed, and instead, decided to listen to their laughter. I then thought to myself, how sweet it was that they were having fun together as brothers. Yeah, it may have taken them three times longer to eat breakfast, but it didn't matter. We didn’t have anywhere to be or anything else to do, so it was nice that they were able to just be kids. 

When I allowed my perspective to shift and I stopped focusing on the looming shadow of chaos, I was able to see the bigger picture. I saw the joy. I heard the laughter. Immediately, the shadow lifted and the weight of frustration seemed to disappear. 

What if we took the time to intentionally do this in every situation? Every time we get angry, every time our kids won’t obey us, every time we have those disagreements with our spouse…what if instead of throwing a pity party and letting anxiety and defeat set in, we stopped in that moment and adjusted our perspective? What if we zoom out and change the angle a bit, and we see the lightness instead of darkness? 

I challenge you in 2018 to pause, zoom out, change the angle, and see what happens. I challenge you to watch how much it will affect your situation, and then watch how much it will change your life. I truly believe that your entire outlook on life will be changed and be filled with more peace, more joy, and more of all the other things that you desire in life. God has a plan to prosper you and to give you hope. If we continue to look at our lives thru that overcasting shadow, we will never reap the true harvest that God intends us to have. 

Before I get out of bed each morning, I vow to watch/listen/read something positive and uplifting. I vow to get my angle right, so that I am able to see more clearly without the shadow. If I start to go down that earthly, negative road, I will rebuke the enemy and pray for God to direct me back to His truth, and the truth will set you free! (John 8:32)

Comment below and let me know what you are going to start doing in 2018 to change your angle on life. 

Blessings & Love,

Nikki Wright

Offended, Hurt, but Worthy

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What are we supposed to do when we get offended and hurt by someone we love and respect? I have experienced this so many times, but specifically in the workplace. For most people the workplace is where you spend most of your time. So when you become viewed as something you're not, it hurts badly. 

When I was working for a company I had this happen to me. I am the kind of person who wants to get along with everyone and wants everyone to like me and respect me for my hard work and dedication. There was this one lady who, for some reason I still don’t know, had it in for me. Nothing I did was good enough and she made it known to the entire workplace. She would belittle me and yell so everyone would hear me getting in trouble. She would even call out mistakes, that I didn’t even do. She would talk behind my back to other staff and tarnish my reputation. I put up with this for six years. It hurt me so badly and made my experience working there miserable at times. 

What we can learn here are a couple things. Number one, if I would have had a clear and honest conversation with her from the beginning, maybe the next six years would have gone differently. However, I am horrible at confrontation and didn’t want to cause more conflict so I thought it was best to sweep it under the rug. Thankfully, I have gotten better at having hard conversations over the years. But, now I work for myself and don’t have to deal with too many of these situations (thank GOD!). 

Number two, we must try to move forward with integrity and honesty knowing we are doing the best we can and trust God that He will make it known of who you are and whose you are. Let us zoom out and see the bigger picture, the picture that God sees. Then we can stand up straight with our shoulders back and feel confident in our worth. 

Never ever let anyone define your worth and talents. God is the one who wove you together in your mother's womb. He created such a masterpiece, that He marvels down at you and His perfect works. Don’t give others the power that only God holds. 

Stay encouraged, smile, be kind, work hard, love hard, and KNOW YOUR WORTH In Jesus Name! 

Here are some scriptures that helped me, and hopefully will help you as well. 

James 1:2-4 (ESV): "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

Isaiah 54:11-17 (MSG): “Afflicted city, storm-battered, unpitied: I’m about to rebuild you with stones of turquoise, Lay your foundations with sapphires, construct your towers with rubies, Your gates with jewels, and all your walls with precious stones. All your children will have God for their teacher—what a mentor for your children! You’ll be built solid, grounded in righteousness, far from any trouble—nothing to fear! far from terror—it won’t even come close! If anyone attacks you, don’t for a moment suppose that I sent them, And if any should attack, nothing will come of it. I create the blacksmith who fires up his forge and makes a weapon designed to kill. I also create the destroyer—but no weapon that can hurt you has ever been forged. Any accuser who takes you to court will be dismissed as a liar. This is what God’s servants can expect. I’ll see to it that everything works out for the best.” God’s Decree.

Blessings & Love,

Nikki Wright

What Energizes You?

Macklin Grey Wright 

Macklin Grey Wright 

Change can be scary to some people…but it can also be just the thing to revitalize you. I need change. If I am doing the same thing for a long period of time I get bored, dull, and kind of down. I need change, something new to challenge me, wake me up, and work my brain in a new way. 

March 21 I got a double dose of change! Macklin Grey Wright was born and rocked my comfortable norm. I was ready for a change at that point. His preciousness shook my world upside down. My body changed, my brain definitely was challenged, and my day to day looked drastically different. I was being tested for sure. I noticed after a month of this new life, I was ready for another change. I needed to be challenged in a different way. I needed to be revitalized. 

Now I am embarking on another new journey. Now that my sweet baby has gotten a routine down and is thriving, it was time for momma to get revitalized by getting back to what God had put in my heart five years ago. So, God blessed us with an amazing nanny to come watch our precious boys. I am back to my journey of living out the purpose God has called me to…encouraging women and married couples to live intentionally through Christian values. 

Are you feeling blah and need to get re-energized?

Here are a few simple things you can do:

  1. Change It Up.  Do one thing differently in your daily routine. It can be as simple as listening to new music that has a pop to it or read a different devotional that challenges you in new ways. You can be real wild and start taking a shower in the morning instead of at night! Play around with it and evaluate your mood and energy with each change. 
  2. Add Something New.  Start going to a dance class or change your workout from running and lifting weights to a fun Zumba class. Start going to a new small group or class with people you don’t know well, but would gain a lot from building relationships. This is the perfect place to add a plug for my Intentional Living Club! I absolutely love this group of incredible women. We empower one another to do things that challenge us. They are things that can be scary, but after it’s accomplished, we feel alive and energized! Click here to read more information about this club. 
  3. Go For The Goal!  This one might take a little more time and effort but is well worth it and necessary in some cases. All of my clients have one thing in common. To be successful and fulfilled, they all had to take a risk and make changes. Without change, they stayed stuck and couldn’t figure out why they weren’t seeing results. Once they submitted to the process and took action steps towards their goal, they were pleasantly surprised to feel energized and motivated to keep moving forward, even though it was scary at times. Believe me, I know how scary the unknown can be. It was scary for me to leave my newborn and toddler to go back to work, but I knew it would result in positive momentum in all directions of my life and allow me to reach my goals!

I am now taking new clients. To see my new office hours and availability click here

Blessings & Love,

Nikki Wright

Certified Life Coach




4 Steps to NO Regrets in 2017!

Do you have a talent or skill, but you aren’t using it to your best ability? Are you being a slacker? It might be because you don’t believe in yourself or that you can actually make a difference. Or it might be your perfectionism is stopping you from pulling the trigger….

I am here to motivate myself and you. I have had a couple goals for several months now, but for some reason, I am slacking in taking action to get them done! The only thing that will come of inactivity is regret. That’s it! Do you want to be left with regret from not going for a goal and utilizing all your ability and talent? I certainly do NOT! 

So, what do we do from here?


Follow these Four Steps to Having NO Regret. 

1. Get inspired to regain motivation and momentum for your passion.                                                                                                                           

How do we do that? I find the best way to regain passion and inspiration is to go back to the "WHY”. Why did I decide to do this goal in the first place? For me, it is God ordained. He told me to do this for a reason. The reason is pretty important once I think back on it. It’s everything for me, my family, and the people I reach. There is no way I can stop, but most importantly there is no time to waste on being a “slacker” with my goals. When I think of the number of people I could have influenced if I would just let go of perfectionism and put out that Facebook post or email that blog, it inspires me to just go for it and hit the SEND button! 


2. List the reasons you believe your goals are valid and important to accomplish.                                

Hmmm….I look at my list of goals and think, why do I find it important to send out weekly emails to my list and to reflect/journal regularly? If I am not writing down and sharing my genuine life experiences and revelations from God, I am not helping anyone. The reason I am a Christian Life Coach is to encourage women to live more intentionally so they will have peace in their life. I can’t reach women and married couples on a large scale if I don’t put anything out for them to read.  What are your reasons? 


3. Be time efficient so you can accomplish what you are passionate about.                                                                                                  

 There is nothing worse than being so on fire to start and finish a project, but having no planned time to actually sit down to take the necessary steps. You must have a system to follow in order to take the required steps each day to finish a project or goal. Begin with the end in mind to see your ultimate vision and goal, then work backwards from there to reach it. I challenge you to take 30 minutes everyday and work solely on your goal. 


4. Finally, tell someone your goal so they can keep you accountable and on track.                                                            

I have a coach myself, mainly to keep me accountable for the goals I set for myself. Being a self-employed entrepreneur, it’s key to let other professionals in on my vision and goals so I won’t become a slacker. If no one knows what you want to accomplish, there is no risk in not doing it, right? I just went over all my goals I accomplished in 2016 with my business. I reached 90% of them. There were some on there I didn’t know if it was possible, but I am here to tell you, what you set for yourself can and will be attainted. Just write it down, tell an accountability partner, and get back on the horse when you fall off and keep going. Be careful what you set for yourself, because it usually happens!      

Comment below and let us know your goals for 2017! If you would like extra accountability and encouragement, check out my group coaching class, first class is free! For more information, email me here.

God wants us to be proactive and pursue not only Him, but our passions and calling in life. "For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away." (James 4:14) Let us act NOW together! 

Share this email with others who want to make a difference in 2017! Sign up to receive my blogs, newsletters, and valuable information here

Blessings & Love,

Nikki Wright
Life Coach

THE PATTERN-How to break it, before it breaks you.

When the same things are happening to you over and over in your life, there has to be a pattern. We are responsible for noticing the pattern, learning from it, and changing the behaviors. So, what is the pattern I see in my life? When I begin to see overwhelm, packed schedule, minimal time with my husband and family as a whole, added responsibilities, etc.…I begin to crumble. I start to breath heavy, panic, let fear seep in, go through the past hurts, and then eventually break. 

Since we cannot control anyone besides ourselves, we must begin to pray that God will teach us, change us, and grow us into a mature and different person. We all try to blame it on other people, or change other people’s behavior, but at the end of the day we have no control over them. We must choose. When that breaking point comes, we must say, I will not let this same thing happen time and time again. I will stop the pattern in it’s tracks. 

How do we stop the pattern?

Here are 7 steps to BREAK it, before it BREAKS you.

  1. Seek God and ask Him what exactly is the pattern? Once you know the pattern, you will see it coming from a mile away. I saw it coming, but I didn’t take action in time before it steam rolled me. 

  2. Quickly take drastic action steps to immediately halt the pattern from taking place. I told my husband it was coming. We had too much going on and we needed to subtract some things out of our lives. But, neither one of us changed anything. Always putting it off, saying it will change once this happens and that. I even scheduled time in the calendar for us to spend dedicated time together, but that always got canceled out by other plans that we had to attend. 

  3. Take it seriously with urgency. Deal with the behaviors of the pattern like your life literally depended on it, because for some it does. If these nasty behaviors reach the same pattern that has tried to destroy you over and over once again, it very well could take your life. Some people hurt so badly, that they want to take their own life. 

  4. Ask yourself, is it worth it? Is all the hustle and bustle and crazy behaviors worth your family, your destiny, or your health? The answer should always be NO. Don’t push it so far to see if you can push through and withstand the pressure until you finally break and take your health, family, or life calling down with you. It’s not worth it! Don’t let the enemy convince you it’s going to be ok, you can juggle it all, somehow it will all work. You can’t have your cake, pie, donuts, and cookies too, plus eat them! You have to choose.

  5. Start looking at your life and your calendar and begin to hit the delete button on some things. Whatever that looks like to you to finally say yes to the important things in life, like, God, spouse, kids, family members, friends, and not the “business” of it all. 

  6. Make the change now. Don’t worry about what other people will think. Say no and feel ok about it. God has a more simple life for you, where you can focus on the real and important things in life. 

  7. Finally, give yourself and others some grace. We are all trying to do the best we can. Ask God for help and be aware of the signs. 

I hope this will help you in breaking The Crazy Pattern in your life. I know it can be difficult to change, so please reach out to someone or email me for help. People are here for you and they care about you. Don’t let the enemy trample you down so far that you can’t get back up. 

Say this prayer: Lord, I pray that you will allow me to see signs before the pattern begins. Allow me to be strong enough to say no and choose You and not the business. I put my trust in You Lord and believe that You will guide me through the ups and downs of this life. I pray You will lead me to calm waters and steer me away from the crashing waves that could take me under. I love you Lord and I thank you for your grace and mercy. In Jesus name, Amen.

If this spoke to you, please share this post with friends and family that could benefit from it as well. We want everyone to live a life of peace and joy! 

Sign up here to receive my encouraging emails and keep updated with what is going on at Nikki Wright Life Coach! 

With Love & Blessings,

Nikki Wright