4 Steps to NO Regrets in 2017!

Do you have a talent or skill, but you aren’t using it to your best ability? Are you being a slacker? It might be because you don’t believe in yourself or that you can actually make a difference. Or it might be your perfectionism is stopping you from pulling the trigger….

I am here to motivate myself and you. I have had a couple goals for several months now, but for some reason, I am slacking in taking action to get them done! The only thing that will come of inactivity is regret. That’s it! Do you want to be left with regret from not going for a goal and utilizing all your ability and talent? I certainly do NOT! 

So, what do we do from here?


Follow these Four Steps to Having NO Regret. 

1. Get inspired to regain motivation and momentum for your passion.                                                                                                                           

How do we do that? I find the best way to regain passion and inspiration is to go back to the "WHY”. Why did I decide to do this goal in the first place? For me, it is God ordained. He told me to do this for a reason. The reason is pretty important once I think back on it. It’s everything for me, my family, and the people I reach. There is no way I can stop, but most importantly there is no time to waste on being a “slacker” with my goals. When I think of the number of people I could have influenced if I would just let go of perfectionism and put out that Facebook post or email that blog, it inspires me to just go for it and hit the SEND button! 


2. List the reasons you believe your goals are valid and important to accomplish.                                

Hmmm….I look at my list of goals and think, why do I find it important to send out weekly emails to my list and to reflect/journal regularly? If I am not writing down and sharing my genuine life experiences and revelations from God, I am not helping anyone. The reason I am a Christian Life Coach is to encourage women to live more intentionally so they will have peace in their life. I can’t reach women and married couples on a large scale if I don’t put anything out for them to read.  What are your reasons? 


3. Be time efficient so you can accomplish what you are passionate about.                                                                                                  

 There is nothing worse than being so on fire to start and finish a project, but having no planned time to actually sit down to take the necessary steps. You must have a system to follow in order to take the required steps each day to finish a project or goal. Begin with the end in mind to see your ultimate vision and goal, then work backwards from there to reach it. I challenge you to take 30 minutes everyday and work solely on your goal. 


4. Finally, tell someone your goal so they can keep you accountable and on track.                                                            

I have a coach myself, mainly to keep me accountable for the goals I set for myself. Being a self-employed entrepreneur, it’s key to let other professionals in on my vision and goals so I won’t become a slacker. If no one knows what you want to accomplish, there is no risk in not doing it, right? I just went over all my goals I accomplished in 2016 with my business. I reached 90% of them. There were some on there I didn’t know if it was possible, but I am here to tell you, what you set for yourself can and will be attainted. Just write it down, tell an accountability partner, and get back on the horse when you fall off and keep going. Be careful what you set for yourself, because it usually happens!      

Comment below and let us know your goals for 2017! If you would like extra accountability and encouragement, check out my group coaching class, first class is free! For more information, email me here.

God wants us to be proactive and pursue not only Him, but our passions and calling in life. "For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away." (James 4:14) Let us act NOW together! 

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Blessings & Love,

Nikki Wright
Life Coach