THE PATTERN-How to break it, before it breaks you.

When the same things are happening to you over and over in your life, there has to be a pattern. We are responsible for noticing the pattern, learning from it, and changing the behaviors. So, what is the pattern I see in my life? When I begin to see overwhelm, packed schedule, minimal time with my husband and family as a whole, added responsibilities, etc.…I begin to crumble. I start to breath heavy, panic, let fear seep in, go through the past hurts, and then eventually break. 

Since we cannot control anyone besides ourselves, we must begin to pray that God will teach us, change us, and grow us into a mature and different person. We all try to blame it on other people, or change other people’s behavior, but at the end of the day we have no control over them. We must choose. When that breaking point comes, we must say, I will not let this same thing happen time and time again. I will stop the pattern in it’s tracks. 

How do we stop the pattern?

Here are 7 steps to BREAK it, before it BREAKS you.

  1. Seek God and ask Him what exactly is the pattern? Once you know the pattern, you will see it coming from a mile away. I saw it coming, but I didn’t take action in time before it steam rolled me. 

  2. Quickly take drastic action steps to immediately halt the pattern from taking place. I told my husband it was coming. We had too much going on and we needed to subtract some things out of our lives. But, neither one of us changed anything. Always putting it off, saying it will change once this happens and that. I even scheduled time in the calendar for us to spend dedicated time together, but that always got canceled out by other plans that we had to attend. 

  3. Take it seriously with urgency. Deal with the behaviors of the pattern like your life literally depended on it, because for some it does. If these nasty behaviors reach the same pattern that has tried to destroy you over and over once again, it very well could take your life. Some people hurt so badly, that they want to take their own life. 

  4. Ask yourself, is it worth it? Is all the hustle and bustle and crazy behaviors worth your family, your destiny, or your health? The answer should always be NO. Don’t push it so far to see if you can push through and withstand the pressure until you finally break and take your health, family, or life calling down with you. It’s not worth it! Don’t let the enemy convince you it’s going to be ok, you can juggle it all, somehow it will all work. You can’t have your cake, pie, donuts, and cookies too, plus eat them! You have to choose.

  5. Start looking at your life and your calendar and begin to hit the delete button on some things. Whatever that looks like to you to finally say yes to the important things in life, like, God, spouse, kids, family members, friends, and not the “business” of it all. 

  6. Make the change now. Don’t worry about what other people will think. Say no and feel ok about it. God has a more simple life for you, where you can focus on the real and important things in life. 

  7. Finally, give yourself and others some grace. We are all trying to do the best we can. Ask God for help and be aware of the signs. 

I hope this will help you in breaking The Crazy Pattern in your life. I know it can be difficult to change, so please reach out to someone or email me for help. People are here for you and they care about you. Don’t let the enemy trample you down so far that you can’t get back up. 

Say this prayer: Lord, I pray that you will allow me to see signs before the pattern begins. Allow me to be strong enough to say no and choose You and not the business. I put my trust in You Lord and believe that You will guide me through the ups and downs of this life. I pray You will lead me to calm waters and steer me away from the crashing waves that could take me under. I love you Lord and I thank you for your grace and mercy. In Jesus name, Amen.

If this spoke to you, please share this post with friends and family that could benefit from it as well. We want everyone to live a life of peace and joy! 

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With Love & Blessings,

Nikki Wright